„ZOOTOPIA – A Vision of a Multispecies Society“
feature documentary by Tristan Ferland Milewski
– in development –

“The world is currently ruled by an animal that doesn’t consider itself an animal.”  
— Melanie Challenger

Climate crisis, war, and rising social and economic inequality. If we want to survive on this planet, we need radical change.
Could the next logical step be to envision a future beyond human species boundaries? Is the society of tomorrow multispecies?

What would ZOOTOPIA concretely look like? 

Animals as equal citizens. Animals as active participants in political decisions. Animals as co-designers of cities and landscapes of the future. Would that be possible? What would that mean for our political, legal, and societal structures? How can we communicate and find new ways of cross-cultural understanding? What needs to be understood, changed, and dismantled in our belief systems and approach to science? Is a fair multispecies society possible within a capitalist, patriarchal, and heteronormative system? Is interspecies justice achievable without decolonization? Can ZOOTOPIA work in a world where only some humans are fully recognized as human?

ZOOTOPIA is playfully designing a provocative manifesto for the future.

Screenplay and Director: Tristan Ferland Milewski
Camera: Dunja Engelbrecht
Animations: Animali Domestici
produced by: CORSO Film
development funded by: FFA German Federal Film Board

presented at the Co-Pro Market at DOK Leipzig on 9-10th of October 2023